World Metrology Day 2022 Events
Below is the list of the 2022 World Metrology Day
events we have been notified of.
To request publication of your event, please e-mail us a brief summary in Word,
your logo, and a website link. To view last year's events, please
click here.
- Belgium (SMD)
- Bulgaria (BIM)
- Chile (INN)
- Chinese Taipei (BSMI)
- R.D. Congo (APROMEN)
- Finland (VTT MIKES)
- India (Legal Metrology, Government of India)
- Indonesia (DoM/NSA)
- Inter American Metrology System (SIM)
- Italy (INRiM)
- Libya (NOC)
- Metrology For All (MFA)
- Mexico (Etalons)
- Mongolia (MASM)
- Montenegro (Bureau of Metrology)
- New Zealand (MSL)
- Nigeria (LMD)
- Panama (CENAMEP)
- Peru (INACAL)
- Portugal (IPQ)
- Saudi Arabia (SASO)
- Saudi Arabia (SQC)
- Singapore (A*STAR)
- South Africa (NMISA)
- Spain (CEM)
- Switzerland (METAS)
- Switzerland (Mettler-Toledo)
- Tajikistan (Tajikstandart)
- United Arab Emirates (MoIAT & EMI)
- United Kingdom (NPL)
- United Kingdom (OPSS)
- Uzbekistan (UzNIM)
Belgium (SMD)
Posted: 2022-05-13 @ 15:10 UTC+2

National Standard Service (SMD) online workshop on 20 May 2022
An online workshop will take place at the National Standard Service (SMD) on 20 May 2022. During the event we will consider and discuss two strategic topics within the rapidly evolving context of the European quality infrastructure: digital certificates in the areas of metrological verification and calibration. Our colleagues and guests will introduce the basic concepts, benefits and opportunities triggered by these innovating tools and processes.
The workshop will be complemented by round table exchanges featuring practical implementation details and future collaboration to address the potential challenges lying ahead.
Through liaising and sustained collaboration, we wish to build the future digital metrology infrastructure of Belgium together!
09:30-09:45 - Welcome & Introduction (Hugo Pirée, SMD, Belgium)
09:45-10:15 - Digital Verification Certificate - a use case (Marc Wouters, MetReg, Belgium)
10:15-11:00 - Digital Calibration Certificate - a general introduction (Quentin Baire, SMD, Belgium)
11:00-11:15 - Pause
11:15-12:00 - Digital Calibration Certificate - a holistic approach (Pedro Santos da Costa, BEV, Austria)
12:00-12:30 - Round-table discussions: collaboration prospects
Registration is free but mandatory (by 18.05.2022 at the latest) and invitations to the Teams meeting will be provided in due time. We look forward to your participation in this event !
Bulgaria (BIM)
Posted: 2022-05-17 @ 12:25 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Bulgaria
On May 20th, the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, the Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria, and the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance are organizing the XVII-th Scientific-Practical Conference entitled Metrology in the Digital Era.
The program includes several thematic topics, namely:
- Digital transformation – basic challenges in metrological practice;
- Digital metrological decisions for industry;
- Digital transformation in support of the quality;
- Measuring software – a base for future digital services in metrology;
- Measuring instruments with a built-in artificial intellect;
- Virtual tools in metrology.
Representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Bulgarian Institute of Standardization, calibration and/or testing laboratories, the Technical University of Sofia, the Bulgarian Accreditation Service, the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant as well as former colleagues involved in metrology activities, and producers of measuring instruments, will participate in this year’s event.
Metrologists with significant contributions to the science of measurement and its application over the past year will be awarded.
Chile (INN)
Posted: 2022-05-23 @ 09:05 UTC+2

Chile: Seminario Día Mundial de la Metrología 2022
Viernes, 27 de mayo de 2022 Vía Zoom
El Instituto Nacional de Normalización (INN), su División de Metrología y la Red Nacional de Metrología (RNM), se enorgullece informar que este año desarrollaremos el día viernes 27 mayo un webinar, para compartir con toda la comunidad metrológica del país y el público en general.
La conmemoración del Día Mundial de la Metrología se realiza en conjunto por el BIPM, la OIML y todos los Institutos Nacionales de Metrología (NMI, por sus siglas en inglés) del mundo. Esperamos que disfrute de este webinar y que la comunidad metrológica del país y el público en general, se una a nosotros y participe en el evento de este año.
El programa
10:00 - 10:05 Palabras de bienvenida Instituto Nacional de Normalización
10:05 - 10:15 Introducción Ing. Pedro Ibarra N. Jefe División Metrología INN.
10:15 - 10:55 La Metrología en la Era Digital. Dr. Joaquín Valdés Universidad Nacional de San Martín Argentina, Instituto de la Calidad Industrial-Decano.
10:55 - 11:35 Metrología Digital en Chile – Estado del Arte Ing. Marcial Espinoza, Jefe del Laboratorio Nacional de Presión y Humedad de Chile (ENAER)
11:35 - 12:15 La Incertidumbres en Simulaciones Digitales Dr. Rafael O. Ruiz, Director del Grupo de Cuantificación de Incertidumbre Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Chile.
12:15 Cierre
Enlace de inscripción:
Chinese Taipei (BSMI)
Posted: 2022-06-14 @ 13:40 UTC+2

World Metrology Day Events in Chinese Taipei
Responding to the theme of the 2022 World Metrology Day Metrology in the Digital Era and the global trend of Net Zero Sustainability, a Conference on Metrology Development for Digital Transformation and Net Zero Sustainability” was conducted online on 18 May 2022.
The conference began with remarks by two distinguished representatives, Dr. Ching-Chang Lien, Director General of the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), and Dr. Wynand Louw, President of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM). International experts, Dr. Tsan-Lin Chen, SVP, HIWIN MIKROSYSTEM Corp., Dr. Yen-Haw Chen, Director of Research Division I, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, and Dr. Takashi Usuda, CIPM Secretary and Director General of the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), were invited to give speeches to highlight metrology developments for “Digital Transformation” and “Net Zero Sustainability”. Dr. Tzeng-Yow Lin, General Director of the National Measurement Laboratory (NML), concluded the important roles of metrology standards. The peak number of views during the stream reached 245 participants.
For more information, please visit:
BSMI website
NML website Congo (APROMEN)
Posted: 2022-05-23 @ 09:35 UTC+2

20 mai 2022 : Journée mondiale de la métrologie en RD Congo
En RD Congo, les activités de métrologie relèvent de la responsabilité du Ministère ayant l’Industrie dans ses attributions et sont caractérisées notamment par :
- Une législation lacunaire : La pratique actuelle est régie par un Décret Royal de 1910 et d’autres textes dépassés.
- Une pratique très faible eu égard aux défis actuels d’intégration économique, de modernisation et d’émergence caractérisée par l ’usage dans le commerce courant des outils inadéquats tels : sakombi, mopiko, ekolo, kambeketshi, etc.
- La pratique quasi généralisée de la facturation forfaitaire des denrées de base que sont l’eau et l’électricité. Cette situation ternit l’image du commerce national et constitue une source de conflit et un frein à l’intégration national et au développement durable.
- Une tendance (à soutenir) à l’amélioration de la situation se traduisant par :
- La Proposition de Loi sur la Métrologie et la Normalisation adoptée au Senat depuis 2014 et en attente à l’Assemblée Nationale ;
- Une dynamique positive dans la société civile insufflée par l’APROMEN ASBL/ONGD qui mène des campagnes de sensibilisation et de plaidoyer en la matière ;
- La volonté d’accompagnement à la campagne de sensibilisation manifestée par des Partenaires Internes et Externes pour intensifier la formation sur les fondamentaux de la Métrologie et la Normalisation et appuyer des réformes urgentes eu égards aux enjeux économiques actuels.
La commémoration de la Journée mondiale de la métrologie célèbre le rôle de tous ceux qui oeuvrent pour le développement et la pratique de la métrologie en tant qu’outil de promotion de la qualité, de la sécurité, de l’équité, de la justice économique … du bien être pour tous.
APROMEN : Association pour la Promotion de la Métrologie et la Normalisation en République Démocratique du Congo
Finland (VTT MIKES)
Posted: 2022-05-19 @ 14:50 UTC+2
Tervetuloa VTT MIKESin järjestämään Maailman metrologiapäivä 2022 - virtuaalitapahtumaan.
Älykkäät mittausjärjestelmät, automaattiset tuotantoprosessit ja tulevaisuuden huipputehokas tiedonkäsittely tuovat haasteita tämän päivän laadunvarmennukselle ja metrologian palveluille. Maailman metrologiapäivän tapahtuma valottaa edistysaskelia, joilla mahdollistetaan tehokas mittaustiedon laadunvarmennus ja käyttö teknologian kehittyessä. Tapahtuman puheenvuoroissa paneudutaan erityisesti teollisuuden mittaustarpeisiin ja digitalisaatioon.
Mitä: Maailman metrologiapäivä 2022
Koska: Perjantaina 20.5.2022 klo 9.00 - 11.30
Missä: Online
Tapahtumalla on myös historiallinen ulottuvuus, sillä itsenäinen Suomi liittyi kansainväliseen metrisopimukseen 100 vuotta sitten. Tämä mahdollistaa tulevaisuudessakin teollisuuden toimimisen globaaleilla markkinoilla.
09.00 Avaus ja agenda
Martti Heinonen, VTT MIKESin johtaja
09.05 Mittaustieto anturista prosessin ohjaukseen
Jan-Henrik Svensson, CEO, Beamex
09.25 Dynaamiset mittaukset
Richard Högström, Research Team Leader, VTT
09.45 Digital SI (englanniksi)
Martin Milton, Director of the BIPM
10.05-10.15 TAUKO
10.15 Metrologian kehitysnäkymät Suomessa ja lähialueilla
Martti Heinonen, VTT MIKESin johtaja
10.35 Haasteena älykkäät sähköverkot
Jari Hällström, Senior Scientist, VTT
10.55 Älykkäiden sähköverkkojen tulevaisuuden näkymiä
Jani Valtari, Technology Center Manager, ABB
11.15 Q&A ja tilaisuuden päättäminen
Martti Heinonen, VTT MIKESin johtaja
11.30 Tapahtuma päättyy
Ilmoittaudu tapahtumaan alla olevasta henkilökohtaisesta ilmoittautumislinkistä. Tapahtumalinkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille viimeistään 1-2 päivää ennen tapahtumaa.
Welcome to the World Metrology Day 2022 virtual event organised by VTT MIKES.
Intelligent measurement systems, automated production processes and future high-performance data processing will challenge today's quality assurance and metrology services. The World Metrology Day event will shed light on the advances that enable effective quality assurance and use of measurement data as technology evolves. The event will focus in particular on the measurement needs of industry and digitalisation.
What: World Metrology Day 2022
When: Friday 20 May 2022, 9.00 - 11.30 a.m.
Where: online
The event also has a historical dimension, as independent Finland joined the International Metrology Agreement 100 years ago. This will enable industry to continue to operate in global markets in the future.
09.00 Opening and agenda
Martti Heinonen, Director of VTT MIKES
09.05 Measurement data from sensor to process control
Jan-Henrik Svensson, CEO, Beamex
09.25 Dynamic measurements
Richard Högström, Research Team Leader, VTT
09.45 Digital SI (in English)
Martin Milton, Director of the BIPM
10.05-10.15 BREAK
10.15 Prospects for metrology in Finland and neighbouring regions
Martti Heinonen, Director of VTT MIKES
10.35 The challenge of smart grids
Jari Hällström, Senior Scientist, VTT
10.55 Future prospects for smart grids
Jani Valtari, Technology Center Manager, ABB
11.15 Q&A and closing of the event
Martti Heinonen, Director of VTT MIKES
11.30 End of the event
Register for the event using the personal registration link below. The event link will be sent to registrants at least 1-2 days before the event.
India (Legal Metrology, Government of India)
Posted: 2022-05-31 @ 17:30 UTC+2
2022 World Metrology Day in India
World Metrology Day, 2022 was celebrated in Hybrid Mode by the Department of Consumer Affairs and RRSL, Ahmedabad on 20 May, 2022. The World Metrology Day 2022 Poster was released in the Official Language of India (in Hindi Devnagri Lipi) by the Secretary of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, Shri Rohit Kumar Singh, IAS. There were a large number of participants including industry, Government Officers, Students and Laboratories.
For a full report including photos, please click here.
Indonesia (DoM/NSA)
Posted: 2022-05-23 @ 11:10 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Indonesia
The Directorate of Metrology, under the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, in collaboration with the National Standardization Agency, is holding a Webinar series to mark World Metrology Day 2022.
The Webinar aims to promote the important role of metrology, especially related to the 2022 theme “Metrology in the Digital Era”. The Webinar series is being held on 19 and 24-25 May 2022.
The first series of the Webinar, held on 19 May 2022, featured the Vice Minister of Trade and Head of the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia as key speaker. It was followed by local experts in metrology and international experts from Germany and the Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF). The 19 May event is in collaboration with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany and its main purpose is to build awareness and promote the importance of legal metrology at the national and ASEAN levels. The webinar was open to ACCSQ Members, representatives from Working Groups and Product Working Groups under ACCSQ, Legal Metrology Authorities, National Metrology Institutes, stakeholders from government, business and industrial sectors, academic, and others. The 19 May event can be viewed by clicking this link.
On 24–25 May 2022, Indonesia is also organizing a National Seminar, the aim of which is to provide a space for academics to present their research on metrology especially related to the 2022 WMD theme. For the public, we are also conducting competitions in comic design, photography, Tik Tok, and Metrology Olympics for students.
Slides from the 19 May Webinar can be viewed here.
Inter American Metrology System (SIM)
Posted: 2022-05-07 @ 10:00 UTC+2

SIM WMD celebration on 23 May
In the context of World Metrology Day 2022, the Inter American Metrology System (SIM) is holding a celebration on 23 May 2022. The objective of this online event is to inform and sensibilize about the global trends and developments in Metrology for Digital Transformation and to provide an update on the progress of the topic in the SIM region.
The target group includes special guests, metrologists, and metrology friends in the SIM region.
For details on this key regional celebration of World Metrology Day 2022, please download the information sheet here.
Italy (INRiM)
Posted: 2022-05-10 @ 12:00 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Italy
On May 20, 2022, INRiM will celebrate World Metrology Day by showing its research in the framework of the digital era with a series of videos.
The videos, published on INRiM's social media (YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram), will be aimed at illustrating the research activities, related to the theme of the digital era, which are conducted in our laboratories.
There are many colleagues working on this issue. "Accelerating digital transformation and supporting industrial transitions" is one of the six strategic areas of our Institute's Decennial Vision Document.
Nowadays industry is facing a new transition, which is "Industry 4.0". In this transition, INRiM will work on a wide range of tools for explaining and promoting digital transformation, including digital certification and virtual calibration laboratories, and will disseminate metrology services such as calibrations, accreditation, precision measurements, and advanced data post-processing tools.
For more information, pelase visit the INRiM website:
Libya (NOC)
Posted: 2022-05-30 @ 14:30 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Libya
The Inspection and Measurement General Department, NOC organised a Technical Workshop Event on 23–24 May 2022 to celebrate the 2022 World Metrology Day theme “Metrology in the Digital Era“.
The workshop was held at the National Oil Corporation’s Headquarters office in Tripoli, Libya, with the participation of 16 oil and gas operation companies, NOC technical departments, and five manufacturing companies (Sensia, Emerson, Krohne, OGS UK, and SGS).
The program demonstrated the digital oil and gas measurement technology covering the following topics:
- Smart oil & gas measurement technologies
- State of the art technologies for meter verification, testing and proving
- Smart tank gauging systems
- Control and measurement systems for hydrocarbon blending
The purpose of partnering this workshop was to discuss, identify and deliver value from the digital developments of hydrocarbon measurement systems and to introduce problem solving for any technical issues that are experienced concerning hydrocarbon transfer, using the best recommended practices, and also to exchange knowledge and experience.
Official links for the Workshop news:
Metrology For All (MFA)
Posted: 2022-03-15 @ 17:40 UTC+1

2022 "Metrology for All” Webinar
The "Metrology for All" platform is pleased to organize a Webinar for World Metrology Day 2022 on the theme “Metrology in the Digital Era” to support and promote the importance of Metrology and World Metrology Day.
The Webinar is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 24th 2022.
Mexico (Etalons)
Posted: 2022-04-05 @ 11:15 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Monterrey, Mexico
The Metrology Laboratory ETALONS, in coordination with the Technical Education College (CONALEP-Don Victor Gomez), will celebrate World Metrology Day. This important celebration will be held at the CONALEP DVGG Auditorium, on May 24th, 2022. The theme for World Metrology Day 2022 - Metrology in the Digital Era - will be presented by Roberto Benitez, ETALONS Director, to the CONALEP students and to the general community in México.
For more information, contact:
Día Mundial de la Metrología 2022 en Monterrey, México
El Laboratorio de Metrología ETALONS en coordinación con el Colegio de Educación Profesional Técnica Don Victor Gómez Garza, celebra nuevamente el Día Mundial de la Metrología. Esta importante celebración se llevará a cabo en el Auditorio del CONALEP Plantel Don Victor Gómez Garza el día 24 de Mayo del 2022. El tema Metrología en la Era Digital, será presentado por el Ing. Roberto Benitez, Director de ETALONS, para los alumnos del CONALEP y para la comunidad en general en México.
Para más información, contacte:
Mongolia (MASM)
Posted: 2022-05-18 @ 11:20 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Mongolia
On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2022, the Mongolian Agency for Standards and Metrology (MASM) will be holding an event on 20th May 2022, aimed at promoting metrology activities to the public and providing information on international experience and the development of digital metrology, DCC and digital QI.
The event will cover representatives from MASM and its departments in the 20 provinces of the country, professional metrology organizations, businesses, scientific and non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions.
During the seminar, our colleagues and guests will share information on digital transmission in Mongolia, the need and process of introducing digital technology in public services, and new opportunities to improve the Integrated State Database on Metrology of Mongolia.
As a result of close cooperation between the public and private sectors, we are organizing activities aimed at the digitalization of Mongolian public services, introducing international experience on digital metrology transition in the state and its development.
2022 оны Дэлхийн хэмжил зүйн өдрийг тохиолдуулан Стандарт, хэмжил зүйн газар нь (MASM) хэмжил зүйн үйл ажиллагааг иргэд олон нийтэд сурталчлах, дижитал хэмжил зүй, дижитал Чанарын дэд бүтцийн талаарх олон улсад хэрэгжүүлж байгаа туршлага, хөгжүүлэлтийн талаар мэдээлэл хүргэх зорилгоор 2022 оны 5-р сарын 20-ны өдөр Онлайн семинар зохион байгуулж байна.
Дэлхийн хэмжил зүйн өдөрт зориулсан арга хэмжээнд СХЗГ болон 20 аймгийн Стандарт хэмжил зүйн хэлтсүүд, хэмжил зүйн мэргэжлийн байгууллагууд, бизнес эрхлэгчид, шинжлэх ухааны болон төрийн бус байгууллагууд, боловсролын байгууллагууд оролцоно.
Энэ семинарын үеэр манай хамт олон, зочид төлөөлөгчид, оролцогч нар Монгол Улсад Дижитал шилжилт, төрийн үйлчилгээнд тоон технологийг нэвтрүүлэх хэрэгцээ, үйл явцын талаар, болон Хэмжил зүйн мэдээллийн улсын нэгдсэн санг боловсронгуй болгож хөгжүүлэх шинэ боломжуудын талаар мэдээлэл танилцуулна.
Төр, хувийн хэвшлийн нягт хамтын ажиллагааны үр дүнд Монгол Улсад төрийн үйлчилгээг цахимжуулах, Хэмжил зүйн дижитал шилжилтийн Олон улсын туршлага, үйл ажиллагаа, үндэсний хэмжээнд хөгжүүлэлт, хэрэгжилтийг зохион байгуулан ажиллаж байна.
Montenegro (Bureau of Metrology)
Posted: 2022-07-29 @ 14:00 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Montenegro
The Bureau of Metrology, on the occasion of marking May 20 - World Metrology Day, organized several promotional activities which included cooperation with educational institutions, the non-governmental sector, as well as with interested citizens.
An "Open Day of the Laboratory for Pressure" was organized on 19 May 2022 when citizens had the opportunity to check the accuracy of their blood pressure manometers. Citizens were also able to get acquainted with the specifics of the operation of their manometers. Informative flyers were distributed with a description of the manner of inspecting manometers, as well as an explanation of the legal obligations of the public and private health sector when it comes to verifying manometers.
On the occasion of World Metrology Day, a visit to the Bureau of Metrology was also organized for the students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences from the study program Electrical Engineering and Computing and Faculty of Design and Multimedia. Students had the opportunity to get informed with the concept of metrology as a science, the activities of the Bureau, as well as promotional activities realized in the last few years. The students got acquainted with the branches of metrology and the work of national calibration laboratories. Part of the practical classes in the Laboratory for Electrical Quantities was organized, where students had the opportunity to perform measurements of electrical voltage, current and resistance, as well as calculations of measurement uncertainty.
Also, visits of elementary school students and members of the Foundation for the Promotion of Science in Montenegro - PRONA were organized. Promotional material was sent to all primary and secondary schools in Montenegro: a poster of the "World Metrology Day", as well as posters with definitions of the International System of Units (SI) and the Periodic Table of the Elements.
New Zealand (MSL)
Posted: 2022-04-12 @ 11:45 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in New Zealand
The Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL) are hosting a hybrid event to celebrate World Metrology Day and Metrology in the Digital Era on Friday 20th May. Guests are invited to attend in person at MSL's laboratories in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, or attend the morning talks virtually for our international audience. All the information about the event and registration page can be found on the MSL website here.
Nigeria (LMD)
Posted: 2022-05-23 @ 10:15 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Nigeria
The activities of the Department of Weights and Measures (Legal Metrology), Nigeria, were intense on World Metrology Day 2022.
The day began with an address by the Honorable Minister of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment to kick-start the commencement of the programs.
Based on the local theme “Metrology and digital governance are precursors to sustainable industrial and economic growth in Nigeria”, the day was very successful. There was an intensive usage of both print and electronic media to cover every component of the programs.
Some photos taken during the day can be downloaded as a PDF file here.
Panama (CENAMEP)
Posted: 2022-05-10 @ 16:45 UTC+2

FORO: "Metrología en la Era Digital"
La Era Digital o 4ta. Revolución Industrial inició en la década de 1980 cuando comenzamos a evolucionar de los dispositivos mecánicos, analógicos y electrónicos a las tecnologías digitales actuales. La metrología, la ciencia más antigua conocida por el hombre, también ha debido evolucionar para dar solución a la expansión de conocimientos de la Era Digital. Conoce más de estos cambios participando de este foro el viernes 20 de mayo, de 20:00 UTC - 22:00 UTC (3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Hora Panamá).
FORUM: "Metrology in the Digital Era"
The Digital Era or 4th Industrial Revolution started in the 1980s when we began to evolve from mechanical, analogue and electronic devices to the current digital technologies. Metrology, the oldest science known to mankind, has also had to evolve to provide a solution to the expansion of knowledge in the Digital Era. Learn more about these changes by participating in our forum on Friday, May 20 from 20:00 UTC – 22:00 UTC.
Posted: 2022-05-11 @ 12:15 UTC+2

Peru celebrates World Metrology Day 2022
XIII Symposium of Metrology In Peru (Virtual)
On May 20, World Metrology Day is celebrated to mark the signing of the Metre Convention in 1875, and Peru was one of the 18 Founding States. This Treaty provides the basis for a unified and consistent measurement system throughout the world.
As part of the commemorative activities, each year INACAL's Metrology Directorate holds the Metrology Symposium in Peru, and this year its XIII edition (Virtual) will feature national and international exhibitors.
This Symposium is aimed at experts, professionals and technicians of calibration and testing laboratories, industrial companies, professors and students of engineering and science universities interested in learning about the recent advances in metrology worldwide, and their applications in measurements of various physical and chemical quantities used in various fields of technology, industry, science, among others.
Place: Virtual
Dates: Thursday 19th and Friday 20th May 2022.
Schedule: From 10h00 to 18h00 (UTC - 5)
Cost: Free
Information (in Spanish): Please click here
VII Week of Metrology (Virtual)
The Directorate of Metrology, as part of the celebrations for World Metrology Day, is organizing the VII Metrology Week (Virtual), an event that seeks to complement the already classic annual Symposium of Metrology with conferences and free trainings, looking for metrologists, industry, technicians students and society in general, know more about Metrology, the science of measurements and their applications and how it is being developed in the Directorate of Metrology of INACAL.
The VII Metrology Week includes:
Monday, May 16, 2022
Virtual guided tour (10h00 to 13h00 UTC - 5):
- Question and answer session on the virtual guided visit to the laboratories of the Metrology Directorate.
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Conferences (10h30 to 12h00 UTC - 5):
- PV-02 Procedure for the Verification and Inspection of Non-Automatic Operating Weighing Instruments
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Conferences (10h00 to 12h50 UTC - 5):
- NMP 023:2021 "Vehicles and Tank Wagons. Requirements and Test Method" - 2nd edition
Cost: Free entry after registration here
Information (in Spanish): Please click here
Portugal (IPQ)
Posted: 2022-05-10 @ 17:50 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Portugal
On May 20, IPQ is organizing a Webinar to celebrate World Metrology Day under the theme “Metrology in the Digital Era”.
We will include the “Save the date” and the Program (in Portuguese) – download it here.
This year, this commemoration will be again in person, and we will have the presence of national representatives from several bodies, whose presentations include, among other topics, Image Coding Solutions, the Use of Statistical Analysis Tools and Applied Artificial Intelligence to the Digital Transformation of Metrology, the Quantum Technologies Revolution and the presentation of some European Projects currently ongoing in the Digitalization Area.
Saudi Arabia (SASO)
Posted: 2022-05-18 @ 18:40 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Saudi Arabia - SASO
Date: Thursday, May 19th 2022
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Riyadh local time)
YouTube Live Broadcast Link:
The celebration will be organized by SASO under the patronage of his excellency the Minister of Commerce, Dr. Majid AlKasabi.
With a prominent participation of chief officials from different ministries and sectors among the Saudi government, including key note speakers from the Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Commerce.
- The event will start with a short note starting speech of his Excellency the Minister of Commerce, then a short note by the Governor of SASO.
- The event will include a core dialogue session entitled “Metrology in the Digital Era”.
- The event will end with a visit of the delegates to NMCC, with a pre-organized lab tour including all the laboratories of NMCC.
The whole event will be broadcast live on the SASO YouTube channel (
Saudi Arabia (SQC)
Posted: 2022-05-20 @ 15:30 UTC+2

WMD 2022 in Saudi Arabia - SQC
This year’s Saudi Quality Council (SQC) event is the twelfth edition since 2010.
The Saudi Quality Council is organizing the Twelfth Measurement Forum on 22 May, 2022, in line with this year’s World Metrology Day theme “Metrology in the Digital Era”.
Brief highlights of the program are:
- The event will be conducted online via Zoom. To register please follow the link
- The Program is made up of two sessions, with four sessions in addition to the introductory speech and the speech of the SQC president
- The first session will be delivered by Waleed ALFARIS entitled “Tour in Metrology World”
- The second session is about “How do smart meters impact measurement” by Eng. Mohammed ALMUTAIRI, a researcher in the National Metrology and Calibration Center
- The third session involves the participation of the Quality Guru Prof. Mohammed Zairi in the Metrology field, by Prof. Mohammed Aichouni
- The fourth session is a contribution of the Measurement Division of the American Society of Quality enitled “Metrology in the Digital Era, the past, the Present and the Future” By Mr. Dilip Shah, the Vice Chair of the Measurement Division-ASQ
- The fifth session is with Dr. Anas ALBareet, about “optical measurement equipment in the digital era”, a research member of the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
- Finally, the sixth session is about “Digitizing the vital signs measurement, the importance and risk”, by Dr. Samir ELLAHAM , member of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE
Please visit for more information.
We wish you a successful and happy WMD every year.
Eng. Waleed Al-Faris
Member of the Executive Committee of the SQC
Singapore (A*STAR)
Posted: 2022-05-04 @ 12:45 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Singapore
A*STAR’s National Metrology Centre and Health Sciences Authority would like to cordially invite you to join us virtually at the World Metrology Day Singapore 2022.
To celebrate this year’s World Metrology Day theme of Metrology in the Digital Era, we have planned a half-day programme with exciting and informative talks by invited speakers from our international counterparts, government agencies, and industry partners. They will be sharing with us the international initiatives, their digital transformation journeys, and most importantly, what one can expect in the digital era.
Please register for the event here. The event is free-of-charge and the closing date for registration is 19th May 2022. We will be sharing more details with you on the event shortly, so do keep a look out for our announcements at If you have any queries, please contact Dr Ng Wee Hoe at
South Africa (NMISA)
Posted: 2022-05-20 @ 17:05 UTC+2

National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) celebrating World Metrology Day 2022
To celebrate World Metrology Day 2022, NMISA created an exciting competition that was published on Independent Online (IOL) - South Africa’s longest-running and biggest news website, reaching an audience of some 13 million users each month across all platforms. The winner was drawn on 20 May 2022 at 15:00 when NMISA celebrates World Metrology Day with all NMIs across the globe.
The competition was specifically aimed at SMEs, as part of one of NMISA’s Strategic Thrusts which states: Metrology for Industry including assistance to SMEs to provide appropriate services in support of manufacturing, beneficiation and export. The questions were also structured in such a way that it raises awareness of NMISA and other Technical Infrastructure Institutes as part of the dtic family.
The IOL published feature and competition details can be found by clicking here
Spain (CEM)
Posted: 2022-05-23 @ 09:20 UTC+2

2022 World Metrology Day in Spain
A two-hour hybrid Webinar on the subject of digitalization was organized by CEM on 20 May. This webinar addressed the different lines of action at national, European and international levels, aligned with a global digitization strategy in the field of metrology, which falls within the European Union's objective of "Shaping Europe's digital future".
It was attended and supported by industry experts and national and international metrology institutes and organizations.
For full information, please click here.
Switzerland (METAS)
Posted: 2022-05-20 @ 16:20 UTC+2

WMD 2022 in Switzerland - METAS
On 20 May 1875, representatives of 17 States, including Switzerland, signed the International Meter Convention in Paris. Its original objective - the worldwide standardization of measurement - is just as important today as it was then.
Improved measurement principles made new technical applications possible in the first place. This is no different in the digital era. Metrology also forms the basis behind the keywords artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, digital twins, Industry 4.0. Only with reliably functioning measuring instruments can we dovetail digital technology and automated data processing in everyday life.
To bring the tasks metrology in the digital era to the point for a wider audience, the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology METAS has produced a short video. Let yourself be surprised and visit Lea in the lab. (in German)
Switzerland (Mettler-Toledo)
Posted: 2022-04-05 @ 14:45 UTC+2

Online Event: Metrology Day Live Webinars and Trainings
For the celebration of World Metrology Day, METTLER TOLEDO will gather together mass metrology and mass calibration experts from around the globe. The event will be both educational and inspirational. Our in-house mass metrology experts will host a series of dedicated online training sessions. Further, we have planned an exciting second day filled with keynote speeches from the most recognized mass metrologists who will share their insights on topics such as next steps in mass metrology research or the development status of the Kibble balance.
For more detailed information about the event, please visit
Tajikistan (Tajikstandart)
Posted: 2022-05-16 @ 10:55 UTC+2

The Republic of Tajikistan celebrates World Metrology Day 2022
On May 20, 2022 the Agency for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajikstandart) plans to hold a Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to World Metrology Day on the topic “Metrology in the Digital Era”.
Representatives of the state metrological service, metrological services of legal entities, scientists and experts from prestigious universities of the country, as well as international organizations are invited to this event.
According to the program developed, the conference is expected to present specialists of the Tajikstandart Agency together with scientists and experts from a number of universities of the Republic on topics related to the metrology of digital measurements, as well as the importance and necessity of introducing digital technologies in today's metrological activities.
For more information, please visit:
Республика Таджикистан отмечает Всемирный день метрологии 2022
Агентство по стандартизации, метрологии, сертификации и торговой инспекции при Правительстве Республики Таджикистан (Таджикстандарт) 20 мая 2022 года планирует провести Научно – практическую конференцию, посвященную 20 маю - Всемирному дню метрологии на тему “Метрология в эпоху цифровизации”.
В данном мероприятии приглашены представители государственной метрологической службы, метрологических служб юридических лиц, ученые и эксперты из престижных вузов страны, а также международных организаций.
Согласно разработанной программе, в работе конференции ожидается презентации специалистов Агентства Таджикстандарта вместе с ученными и экспертами ряда вузов республики по темам, соответствущим метрологии цифровых измерений, также важности и необходимости внедрения цифровых технологий в сегодняшней метрологической деятельности.
Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите:
Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон Рӯзи умумиҷаҳонии метрология 2022-ро таҷлил мекунад
Агентии стандартизатсия, метрология, сертификатсия ва нозироти савдои назди Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон (Тоҷикстандарт) ба нақша гирифтааст санаи 20 майи соли 2022 дар бинои дастгоҳи марказии Агентӣ бахшида ба рӯзи Умумиҷаҳонии метрология – 20 май дар мавзӯи “Метрология дар даврони рақамикунонӣ” конфронси илмию амалӣ баргузор намояд. Дар чорабинии мазкур намояндагони хадамоти давлатии метрологӣ, хадамоти метрологии шахсони ҳуқуқӣ, олимону коршиносон аз донишгоҳҳои бонуфузи кишвар, ва инчунин ташкилотҳои байналмилалӣ даъват гардидаанд.
Тибқи барномаи таҳиягардида, дар назар аст дар кори конфронс мутахассисони Агентии Тоҷикстандарт дар якҷоягӣ бо олимону коршиносони як қатор донишгоҳҳои ҷумҳурӣ дар мавзуъҳои ба самти метрологияи ченкуниҳои рақамӣ дахлдошта ва аҳамияту зарурияти ҷорӣ намудани технологияҳои рақамӣ дар фаъолияти имрӯзаи метрологӣ бо рӯнамоиҳо баромад намоянд.
Барои маълумоти бештар ба ин сомона муроҷиат намоед:
United Arab Emirates (MoIAT & EMI)
Posted: 2022-05-19 @ 13:20 UTC+2
2022 World Metrology Day in the United Arab Emirates (MoIAT & EMI)
Date: Monday, 23 May 2022
Time: 12:00 PM to 14:00 PM Abu Dhabi local time (08:00-10:00 UTC)
The 2022 World Metrology Day celebration will be organized by the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) in cooperation with the Emirates Metrology Institute (EMI) under the patronage of H.E Omar AL Suwaidi / Undersecretary of MoIAT.
The event will begin with a speech by His Excellency Dr. Farah AlZarooni (Acting Assistant Undersecretary for the Standards and Legislation Sector in MoIAT) on behalf of H.E Omar AL Suwaidi / Undersecretary of MoIAT.
After that, speeches will be given by Dr. Martin Milton, Director of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), Mr. Paul Dixon, Assistant Director of the International Bureau of Legal Metrology (BIML), and also Engineer Amina AlBastaki, President of GULFMET / Director of Metrology Department at MoIAT.
The importance of digital transformation in standards and the achievements made in this regard in the United Arab Emirates will be highlighted by the experts in the Gulf Standardization Organization (GSO), the Emirates Metrology Institute, Advanced Technology Sector (MoIAT), and representatives from private and academic sectors.
For the full agenda, please click here to download the PDF file.
United Kingdom (NPL)
Posted: 2022-04-22 @ 12:05 UTC+2

20 May 2022: NPL will open its doors to the public
From 12:00 - 19:00 on 20 May 2022, visitors will have the opportunity to meet NPL’s scientists, engineers and experts who are undertaking world-leading science and engineering to help solve some of the challenges we face.
Meet the scientists who are using underwater cables to detect earthquakes, working on satellites to look at the changes to our earth from space, and using digital imaging to measure changes in structures over time.
From future-proofing time with atomic clocks and testing driverless vehicles, to developing the next generation of medical ultrasound and making the most of renewable energy, NPL is aiding the UK’s journey in digital innovation. Metrology underpins the development of pioneering digital technologies, enabling research and innovation to flourish in the UK.
Visitors will be able to see inside a range of laboratories to see NPL's science and engineering in action. There will be a live simulation of road vehicle sensors used in driverless vehicles, the chance to see inside an MRI scanner, and explore the physics behind solar energy and the technologies that will help us to reach net zero.
Information about the science that will be on display and how to register can be found here:
United Kingdom (OPSS)
Posted: 2022-04-26 @ 11:10 UTC+2

World Metrology Day 2022 events (Office for Product Safety and Standards)
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) and the UK Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) have organised a series of online and hybrid Product Safety and Legal Metrology events and training activities across product safety, legal metrology, and construction products in 2022 including:
- On 20th May, the CTSI is organising a “Competency to work at the Ports and Borders” virtual course designed to inform UK Local Authorities that do not have a port in their area of what they need to do and how they may engage with other local authorities when they need assistance in tracking/tracing/investigating businesses and goods.
- Legal Metrology familiarisation days are being held at the OPSS Office during May to allow students and newly appointed officers to examine and test pieces of equipment in the following categories:
- Weighing equipment including an electronic comparator
- Automatic weighing
- Metering systems for a variety of commodities
- Length and dimensional measurements
- Capacity and volume
- Mass
- In April, OPSS convened legal metrology virtual meetings of the OIML Project Groups for the Revision of OIML R 51:2006 Automatic catchweighing instruments, and the Revision of OIML R 134:2006 Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion and measuring axle loads.
Uzbekistan (UzNIM)
Posted: 2022-03-18 @ 12:55 UTC+1

Uzbekistan celebrates World Metrology Day 2022
On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2022, the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology (UzNIM) is planning a series of events in a traditional format, as well as online and hybrid formats.
Events dedicated to World Metrology Day are timed to unite the UzNIM, its regional branches, scientific and educational organizations, manufacturing sector in one platform.
It is planned to inform about the extended calibration and measurement capabilities of UzNIM, establishing metrological traceability of measurement results, the need to introduce digital technologies into metrological activities that improving processes and opening new opportunities.
For more information, please visit:
O‘zbekistonda 2022 yil Butunjahon metrologiya kuni nishonlanadi
2022 yil Butunjahon metrologiya kuni munosabati bilan O‘zbekiston milliy metrologiya instituti (O‘zMMI) ananaviy formatda hamda onlayn va aralash (gibrid) tarzda bir qator tadbirlar o‘tkazishni rejalashtirmoqda.
Butunjahon metrologiya kuniga bag‘ishlangan tadbirlarda O‘zMMI, uning hududiy filiallari, fan va taʼlim tashkilotlari hamda ishlab chiqarish sektorini yagona platformada birlashtirish nazarda tutilmoqda.
Bunda, O‘zMMIning joriy etilgan kalibrlash va o‘lchash imkoniyatlari, o‘lchash natijalarining metrologik kuzatiluvchanligini taʼminlash, shuningdek, raqamli texnologiyalarni metrologik faoliyatda joriy etishning zaruriyati va axamiyati hamda jarayonlarni yaxshilovchi va yangi imkoniyatlarni ochuvchi holatlar toʻgʻrisida maʼlumot berish rejalashtirilgan.
Batafsil maʼlumot olish uchun, saytga marhamat.
Узбекистан отмечает Всемирный день метрологии 2022 года
По случаю Всемирного дня метрологии 2022 года, Узбекский национальный институт метрологии (УзНИМ) планирует проведение серию мероприятий в традиционном формате, а также online и гибридном форматах.
Мероприятия, приуроченные ко Всемирному дню метрологии, как ожидается, объединят УзНИМ, его региональные филиалы, научные и образовательные организации и производственный сектор на одной площадке.
Планируется информирование о расширенных калибровочных и измерительных возможностей УзНИМ, установлении метрологической прослеживаемости результатов измерений, важности и необходимости внедрения цифровых технологий в метрологическую деятельность, улучшающие процессы и открывающие новые возможности.
Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите: